It was the 10-year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing this year, and the 127th Boston Marathon. This marathon is a special one, with a special community. I may be biased but the Boston running community is pretty unique. And the crowds at Boston are some of the best in the world!
Having run this marathon a few times, I was psyched to be invited to simply attend and cheer on this year. We had a full slate of events with rabbit and PUMA, ranging from happy hours, to shake out runs, to panels with athletes.
At our hoppy hour with rabbit on Friday, we wanted to hear from attendees about their dreams for the race and running overall. What came from this was excitement, joy, thoughtfulness, and inspiration for Boston but even beyond.
As I said on Instagram, the Boston Marathon gives some days and some days it takes. We certainly felt that this year, with upsets and expectations not met, but through it all, thousands of people chased their dreams out there in the rain and wet. And that’s pretty incredible.
If you want to listen to the full episode of dreams from our hoppy hour at rabbit, you can find it here.