Why Failure is the Key to Unlocking Your Success Mindset

Meet Stephen Lease, a self-described fortunate person who discovered his dream job only seven years ago. Growing up in Colorado with a free-range childhood, Stephen learned independence, problem-solving, and respecting boundaries. His journey as an entrepreneur began early, with Goodr being his 6th company. Despite facing failures, Stephen believes they are a part of success and essential for growth. As an avid runner, he has experienced the power of pushing through challenges and taking it one step at a time, both in marathons and in life.

Learning to see failure as a necessary part of the journey to success can be transformative for entrepreneurs. By changing their outlook on setbacks and challenges, they can foster personal growth and adaptability that will ultimately lead to a more fruitful professional journey. In this article, we delve into the key steps to develop the right mindset for embracing failure, empowering you to make the most of every situation and propel yourself towards your goals. 

Here are the steps to start embracing failure and getting closer to success and growth:

  1. Accept that failure is an inevitable part of growth.

  2. Reflect on past mistakes and learn valuable lessons.

  3. Surround yourself with supportive and positive individuals.

Accept that failure is an inevitable part of growth.

When venturing into the entrepreneurial world, accepting that failure is an inevitable part of growth is crucial. Every successful business owner undergoes trial-and-error periods, where they have to adapt to new strategies and overcome setbacks. Failure, in turn, becomes an opportunity to learn, refine skills, and develop a more refined approach. Instead of dwelling on unsuccessful attempts and letting them hinder progress, embracing these failures can lead to personal and professional growth, enabling entrepreneurs to bounce back stronger and wiser. 

By adopting this mindset, an individual shifts their focus from strictly achieving favorable outcomes to understanding and valuing the journey to success. This perspective fosters a growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed mindset, motivating individuals to keep moving forward even in the face of adversity. Stephen Lease, founder and CEO of Goodr, emphasized the importance of embracing failures in his journey to success during his conversation with Jon Levitt on the For The Long Run podcast. 

Stephen reflects on how every mistake he made has been crucial for his personal and professional growth, leading him to where he is today. Before finding success with Goodr, he started five companies, none of which were successful. However, he didn’t let these failures discourage him; instead, he learned from his mistakes and kept moving forward. Stephen shares that the mindset of a long-distance runner has served him well – the process of putting one foot in front of the other, and facing challenges step-by-step, has been critical in his entrepreneur journey. 

Reflect on past mistakes and learn valuable lessons.

Developing the right mindset to embrace failure as a part of the journey to success is essential for entrepreneurs. By acknowledging that setbacks and learning experiences are a natural part of any growth process, entrepreneurs can maintain a healthy perspective and use these lessons to develop an even stronger foundation for their businesses. Whether you’re launching a startup, pivoting your business model, or scaling an established organization, the ability to view failure as an opportunity for growth is arguably one of the most critical factors that determine long-term success. When you can shift your mindset to perceive setbacks as stepping stones rather than roadblocks, you’ll be better equipped to overcome adversity and maintain momentum throughout your entrepreneurial journey. 

Stephen Lease, the founder and CEO of Goodr, can attest to the importance of embracing failures and mistakes on the path to success. During his conversation with Jon Levitt on the For The Long Run Podcast, Lease shared how every mistake he made was crucial to his growth and development, ultimately leading him to where he is today. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the process and not just the results, as well as adopting a mindset that includes a willingness to take calculated risks and trust one’s teammates. This key step of embracing failure as an essential part of the journey to success holds immense value for entrepreneurs across industries. 

By reflecting on past mistakes and learning valuable lessons, entrepreneurs can adapt their approach, refine their strategies, and gradually build stronger, more resilient businesses. Entrepreneurs who adopt this mindset not only pave the way for their own personal and professional growth but also contribute to an environment in which their employees can also thrive, learn, and grow. Ultimately, by recognizing the intrinsic value of failure as an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey, business leaders can foster a mindset of perseverance, adaptability, and continuous improvement, driving long-term success for themselves and their organizations.

Surround yourself with supportive and positive individuals.

Developing the right mindset to embrace failure as part of the journey to success is crucial for any entrepreneur or aspiring leader. One key component to fostering this mindset is surrounding yourself with supportive and positive individuals who can help propel you forward during times of uncertainty and challenge. Individuals who have experienced failure themselves and have emerged stronger because of it can provide valuable insights into the process of learning from mistakes and growing as a result. 

By surrounding yourself with these positive role models, you can cultivate a mentality that allows you to view setbacks as learning opportunities rather than insurmountable obstacles. In Stephen Lease’s conversation with Jon Levitt, he emphasized the importance of embracing failures and viewing them as essential parts of the journey to success. Lease shared his personal experiences with failures, highlighting that every mistake he made along the way has been integral to his growth and development, ultimately leading him to his present accomplishments as CEO and founder of Goodr. 

By sharing his story, Lease reinforces the notion that even the most successful entrepreneurs have encountered challenges and setbacks along their journey, reminding others that they are not alone in their struggles. The importance of approaching setbacks with a positive mindset, trusting in one’s teammates, and taking calculated risks are all vital lessons that Lease has learned throughout his career, which he now imparts on others. The importance of surrounding yourself with supportive and positive individuals cannot be overstated, as these connections often determine the atmosphere in which you will navigate your failures and learn from your experiences. 

Listen to the full episode here.